Category Archive: Uncategorized

More SE Asia pics – Laos! (Part I)

Laos is a small land-locked country that often gets overlooked by people planning trips to Southeast Asia. In reality, it’s an absolutely beautiful nation full of adventurous jungle terrain, soaring mountains, stunning rivers,… Continue reading

More SE Asia Pictures: Thailand (Part III)

After wrapping up a whirlwind tour of Bangkok we decided to head north and explore the second largest city in Thailand, Chiang Mai. This ended up being one of my personal favorite cities… Continue reading

More Pics! Thailand (Part II)

After getting plenty of sun and sand on the Thai Islands in the South, we decided it was time to make our way north and experience more authentic “Thai culture” in the cities… Continue reading

Finally Some New Pictures! Ubud and Thailand (part I)

Hi everyone, Well the one positive thing about coming down with a horrible case of Sinusitis and Shingles (double whammy!) is that I finally have some down-time to catch up on pictures of… Continue reading

Incredible India! (aka attack of “Delhi Belly”)

Hi everyone, Finally got somewhere with consistent internet access and was able to upload my pictures from India (Click the city names in bold for links to picture albums). You can also get… Continue reading

New Pictures from The Philippines and Singapore!

Hey everyone! Phew – 6 months of hard work and finally I am DONE with my B-school applications. Unfortunately, my blog has taken most of the hit in terms of content – but… Continue reading

Merry Christmas! Pictures from The Philippines…

Merry Christmas everyone! Here are a couple of new albums from our initial days in the Philippines with my family. Enjoy! Manila Pictures Baguio Pictures

New Pictures from Cape Town and Kuala Lumpur!

Hello from Kuala Lumpur everyone! Just posted my last set of Cape Town pictures, check em out here (towards the bottom): LINK Also, click here for my pictures from KL Heading off to… Continue reading

South Africa: Catching up on Pictures…

Hey everyone! The sheer volume of pictures I’ve been taking coupled with Round II B-school applications has gotten me a little behind on the facebook picture uploads and blog updates. I’ll eventually get… Continue reading

My Favorite Things About Cape Town

With only a few weeks left here in Cape Town, I’ve decided to start  a running list of my favorite things about this wonderful city for anyone who’s lucky enough to visit in… Continue reading